Jumat, 11 Januari 2013
Homonyms and the Example of Homonyms
There are some definitions about homonyms. The first, homonyms is one of group of words that share the same spelling and the same pronunciation but have different meanings, usually as a result of the two words having different origin. The second, a homonym is word that sounds just like another word but is spelled differently and has different meaning (Missikae). Bellow is the list of homonyms:
No Spelling Pronouncing Meaning
1 Bear /beә(r)/ Animal
Bear /beә(r)/ To carry
2 Dear /dIә(r)/ Love
Dear /dIә(r)/ Expensive
3 Eye /aI/ Part of body
I /aI/ Personal pronoun
4 Maid /meId/ Servant
Made /meId/ Past and participle form of “make”
5 Abode /ә’bәυd/ A house or home
Abode /ә’bәυd/ Archaic past of abide
6 Two /tu:/ Cardinal Number
Too /tu:/ Very
7 Acarine /΄akәrΛIn/ A small aranchid of the order Acari (zoology)
Acarine /΄akәrΛIn/ Relating to or caused by mites and ticks
8 Adder /΄ædә(r)/ A small venomous snack
Adder /΄ædә(r)/ Electronic unit
9 Affect /ә΄fεkt/ Pretend to have or feel (use, wear)
Affect /ә΄fεkt/ Have an effect on something
10 Red /red/ Kind of colors
Read /red/ Past and participle of “read”
11 RAM /ræm/ Random-acces memory; computer unit
Ram /ræm/ Male sheep
12 Alight /ә΄laІt/ Descend from public transport
Alight /ә΄laІt/ Shining brightly
13 Lay /leI/ Put down and set in position for use
Lay /leI/ Not having professional qualifications
Lay /leI/ A short lyric or narrative poem mean to be sung
Lay /leI/ Past form of lie
14 Lie /laI/ Say or write something that you know it is not true
Lie /laI/ Be or put your self in flat or horizontal position so that you are not sitting or standing
15 Level /΄levl/ Having a flat surface that does not slope
Level /΄levl/ Amount of something that exist in particular situation at one time
Level /΄levl/ Make something flat or smooth
16 Levee /‘lεvI/ A formal reception of visitor or guests
Levee /‘lεvI/ A landing place
17 Lessen /΄lesn/ Make or become less
Lesson /΄lesn/ A period of learning or teaching
18 Lead /li:d/ Cause a person or animal to go with one by drawing them along
Lead /li:d/ First place or position in a race or competition
19 Lost /lоst/ Past form of lose
Lost /lоst/ Unable to find your way
20 Look /lυk/ Turning eyes in particular direction
Look /lυk/ Act of looking at something
21 Date /deIt/ Particular day in a month or year
Date /deIt/ Write a day on something
22 Dash /dæ∫/ Go somewhere quickly
Dash /dæ∫/ Sudden quick movement
23 Dark /dα:k/ With no or very little light
Dark /dα:k/ Lack of light
24 Dump /dæmp/ Copy or stored data to different location
Dump /dæmp/ An act of defecation
25 Limp /lImp/ Walk with difficulties because one of the legs is injured
Limp /lImp/ Not stiff or firm
26 Line /lain/ Long thin mark on surface
Line /lain/ Form a layer on the inside of something
27 Little /΄lItl/ Small
Little /΄lItl/ Determiner pronoun, used with uncountable noun to express something no much
28 Stable /steIbl/ Firmly fixed; not likely to move, change or fail
Stable /steIbl/ Building in which horses are kept
29 Stand /stænd/ Attitude or opinion
Stand /stænd/ Be on your feet
30 Stamp /stæmp/ Small piece of printed paper stuck on envelopes
Stamp /stæmp/ Put your foot down with force on the ground
31 Start /sta:t/ Point which at something begins
Start /sta:t/ Begin doing something
32 State /steIt/ Condition of a person or thing
State /steIt/ Formally say or write something
33 ad /æd/ short for advertisement
add /æd/ short for addition
34 Adds /æds/ performs additions
ads /æds/ more than one advertisement
adze /æds/ axe-like tool
35 allowed /ə΄laυd/ permitted
aloud /ə΄laυd/ spoken
36 blew /blu:/ past tense of blow
blue /blu:/ color of California sky
37 bloc /Blοk/ an alliance
block /Blοk/ square object
38 boarder /΄bο:rdə(r)/ lodger who gets meals, too
border /΄bο:rdə(r)/ perimeter
39 born /bo:n/ brought into life
borne /bo:n/ past participle of bear
bourn /bo:n/ a small stream or boundary
40 bouy /boI/ navigational aid
boy /boI/ male child
41 cache /kæ∫/ hidden storage
cash /kæ∫/ legal tender
42 cay /ki:/ a low island
key /ki:/ opens locks
quay /ki:/ a wharf
43 cell /sel/ a small room
sell /sel/ to exchange for money
44 do /du:/ first note of diatonic scale
doe /du:/ a female deer
dough /du:/ uncooked bread
45 done /dΛn/ completed
dun /dΛn/ demand money
46 gait /geIt/ a manner of walking or running
gate /geIt/ fence door
47 gild /gIld/ to coat with gold
gilled /gIld/ having gills
guild /gIld/ a craft society
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